Free Exercise Plan to Lose Belly Fat

If you surf the Internet, you may be bombarded with numerous free exercise plans that guarantee you'll lose belly fat if you follow the instructions. But how can you know if any of these plans can guarantee successful belly fat loss? It's very simple: any good exercise plan to lose belly fat must include cardiovascular activity that keeps your heart within its target range for a sustained amount of time.

The Truth About Belly Fat

  • Stubborn belly fat can be the bane of an exerciser's existence. Fat in this area of the body is typically acquired first--and it's usually the very last area in which you notice a reduction. The reason why you have belly fat depends on numerous factors, such as your caloric intake, genetic makeup, age and hormonal changes. Women who are going through menopause may note an increasing tummy bulge, but this is also true for women who go through childbirth. As men age, they tend to develop a pot belly or spare tire. The ugly fact about belly fat, other than its presence on your body, is that it can be extremely difficult to lose. But it's not impossible.
    Fat of any kind can be lost in only one way: through daily cardiovascular activity that sets the large muscle groups in continuous motion.
    As long as your heart is working within 70 to 85 percent of its maximum, you're burning fat all over your body, not just in the belly. Most gym equipment, such as treadmills and elliptical machines, have touch pads that give you a digital read-out of your target heart rate. But if you're just starting out and prefer to do your exercise in and around your home, purchasing a heart monitor is a good way to execute your exercise plan. One part of the monitor is strapped securely around your chest, and the other is a watch-like device that gives you a digital read-out of your heart rate. To find out your target heart rate, see Reference 3.

Devise Your Own Plan

  • The American College of Sports Medicine advises at least 30 minutes of cardiovascular activity daily for those under the age of 65. To draft a plan to successfully lose belly fat, determine which method of cardiovascular exercise appeals to you the most. Don't be afraid to experiment. See if there are gyms in your area that will give you a week's pass. Try doing your cardiovascular activity at home and see if you can self-motivate. Look into exercise "boot camps" offered by independent fitness trainers.
    Activities may include brisk walking, jogging, running or swimming--or if you have access to a gym, putting in time on a treadmill, elliptical machine, stationary bicycle or rowing machine. Gyms also offer group classes that put a focus on cardio activities that incorporate strength training. Even an exercise DVD that you buy can be a good way to reduce belly fat, as long as it's put in your DVD player and not collecting dust on the mantel.

Core Training

  • So what good do all of those crunches do? They exercise and strengthen the muscles under your belly fat. If you're not doing daily cardiovascular exercise, you can do abdominal exercises all day long and never notice any difference in your belly shape. This is because abdominal exercise doesn't get your heart rate into its target range, so you burn very few calories. However, these exercises become more important as you begin to lose the fat around your belly. You might be perfectly happy with the tummy you see emerging, but might also want to go for a more sculpted look. advises 10 to 15 minutes of abdominal exercises four to five times a week. But these need not consist of mindless crunches. There's a variety of abdominal exercises that you can do to shape up your belly and develop more core stability, such as the pike, the plank, the bicycle and cross-over crunches, which train the oblique muscles. Fitness Magazine's online site has an abundance of abdominal workout plans, and there are also DVDs that provide short segments designed specifically for tummy toning. What works best for you will undoubtedly be your most successful toning strategy--just make sure to do all exercises correctly.

Buyer, Beware!

  • Ultimately, the best exercise plan to lose belly fat is the one that works for you and to which you can commit. Beware of infomercials that lure you in with free exercise plans to lose belly fat--but only if you'll buy their belly-fat-burning gadget first. Many free exercise plans to lose belly fat come with their share of puffery and are in fact advertisements for consumer products. Does the "free exercise plan" include a suggestion to purchase acai berry or other "holistic" fat-burning supplements, or suggest a "colon cleanse" or "body detox?" Stay away from it.
    If you turn to the Internet for information, go to sites such as the Mayo Clinic and the American College of Sports Medicine, which serve the public good without marketing anything. If you have to make a purchase to get a "free" exercise plan to lose belly fat, it's not so free after all.

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