Homemade Body Wraps for Weight Loss

You may have heard of Suddenly Slender Body Wraps or other body wraps for weight loss, but have you considered that you might be able to make your own herbal body wrap at home to help with water retention and overall weight loss.

Body Wrap Basics

The main goal of a body wrap is skin rejuvenation, overall general body healing, detoxification and weight loss. Body wrap recipes will vary in ingredients and it’s up to you to find a recipe that works well for what you’re trying to accomplish. Popular body wrap ingredient choices include seaweed, aloe, healing salts, Clary sage, comfrey root, dandelion root, alfalfa, chamomile, rosemary and rose hips. You can play around with your own ingredients and determine which mixture you like the best.

Ace Bandages

Ace bandages can be beneficial to a homemade body wrap. Some people use a giant crock-pot or roaster filled with herbal water to soak the bandages in. You’ll most likely need a friend or family member to help wrap your body. You typically stay wrapped for about an hour while you move around and exercise (or even just walk), so that you detoxify and get better.

    Making the Herbal Body Wraps

    ¼ cup of green clay ¼ of a cup of sea salt 2 tablespoons of olive oil 2 cups of water Seaweed and other ingredients, depending on your preference
    Personally, I would heat a large amount of water in either a crock-pot or a roaster and use additional quantities of ingredients to make bigger batches. Most directions suggest bringing the water to a boil, but my preference is to slow cook the water with all of the ingredients for a few hours and soak the Ace bandages in the water before the wrap. Play around with it and decide what works best for you and is the most convenient. You’re basically making an herbal tea to soak the wraps in.

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