How to Lose Finger Fat

Fat has a tendency to appear in many obvious areas on the body. Among the most common are the stomach, thighs, hips, butt, and face. But it also has a mysterious way of sneaking up on less conspicuous areas, such as the fingers. When it comes to melting this fat away, the best approach to take involves the whole body, as there really is no such thing as reducing fat in one specific area. But with that being said, there are some exercises that target the fingers and fit into the overall equation. This process also takes some dietary discretion and a little bit of work.

Things You'll Need

  • Eagle catcher

Step 1:

Spread your fingers apart really wide, as if you are trying to palm a basketball. Now tap each finger to your thumb one at a time. Starting with your little finger or index finger, go all the way down and all the way back. Every time you tap a finger, come back to a full extension.

Spread your fingers apart really wide.

Step 2:

Use an eagle catcher. An eagle catcher is a tool used by martial artists to strengthen their grip, which is beneficial when they are performing chokes and throwing opponents to the ground. This tool works the fingers and can strengthen and help tone them (see References).

Strengthen your grip.

    Step 3:

    Become proficient at typing. Typing is a good exercise for developing coordination and strength in your fingers. Practice typing on a conventional typewriter or a computer.

    Become proficient at typing.

    Step 4:

    Open and close your palm. This exercise can be done anywhere, at any time of day. Clench your fist as tight as you can. Then open your hand and spread your fingers apart as wide as you can. Alternate back and forth.

    Step 5:

    Perform some push-ups. Come into a plank position with your hands directly under your shoulders and your arms straight. Spread your fingers wide apart and come up onto your fingertips. Lower yourself down by bending your elbows, then push yourself back up.

    Perform push-ups.

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