Step 1:
Work out all parts of your thighs including the quadriceps, hip adductors and hamstrings. These are the three fundamental parts of your thigh. Exercising all parts will help you burn fat, lose weight as well as sculpt your thighs into a more attractive shape.
Step 2:
Do side lunges, which work out your quads. Standing, step your right foot to the right and bend your right knee. Push off of your right foot and return it to the starting position. Repeat this on the other side. Step out to the left with your left foot, bending your left knee. Now push off of your left foot and return to the original position. Do 10 lunges on each side, once a day, or more if you feel up to it.
Step 3:
Work out your hamstrings by doing the bow pose in yoga. Lying on your belly, on a mat, bend both of your legs at the knees. Reach back with your hands and grab your ankles. You may not be able to reach your ankles at first, or you may not be able to reach both simultaneously so just grab hold of one. With practice, you will get more flexible and will be able to reach your ankles. Once you have grabbed your ankles or ankle, pull upward using your hands, lifting the lower part of your legs and lifting your chest up and off of the ground simultaneously. This position really works the hamstrings. Hold the position for five seconds, release and return to the starting position. Try to do it four more times.
Step 4:
Go for a brisk walk. Walking is a great way to burn fat and tone thighs. Walk for 15 or 20 minutes, and then as you gain strength, extend your walk to an hour. Walking is an excellent muscle builder.
Step 5:
Jump into a pool. Swimming is an excellent way to lose fat from your thighs. When you do the front crawl, the kick comes from the hip area and both of your legs kick equally hard. When you are doing the backstroke, you kick your legs alternately. The breaststroke requires that you do either a whip kick or a wedge kick. When doing a whip kick, the legs kick in a whip-like action and your knees remain close together. If you opt to do a wedge kick, the legs kick in a deliberate circular path and are wider apart. The butterfly is a challenging stroke. Your legs move up without bending at the knees and the bottoms of your feet press vertically against the water and then backward. The knees bend and then straighten on the down beat, which is what creates propulsion.
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