How to Tighten My Stomach Without Doing Crunches

Crunches can be effective for toning the muscles of the abdomen – the top-lying rectus abdominis, the deep-seated transversus abdominis and the side obliques – however, they are certainly not the only choice for tightening your stomach. Exercises that require a core engagement to keep your body stable and balanced can also effectively strengthen your abs. No equipment is needed for these exercises, and they can easily be incorporated into a gym or at-home workout plan.

Tips For You

  1. Maintain proper form throughout each exercise to maximize the abdominal strength and toning benefits. Sustain the contraction in the abs during the workout by keeping your stomach continuously pulled in toward your lower back. Elongate the spine, lift your chest and push the shoulder blades down your back. Develop a steady breathing pattern to help oxygen flow to your muscles; breathe in and out of your nose for a count of five in each direction.
  2. Warm up for 5 to 10 minutes with light cardio before performing your abdominal workout. Consider activities such as walking, jogging, jumping rope or riding a stationary bicycle to raise your body temperature and get the blood flowing to your muscles.
  3. Tone and tighten your entire core with Plank pose. Come to your hands and knees on an exercise or yoga mat. Bend your arms and place your elbows directly beneath your shoulders with your forearms extended straight in front of you. Contract your stomach muscles and lift your hips toward the ceiling as you extend your legs behind you. There should be one straight line from your shoulders to your heels as you balance on your forearms, elbows and the balls of your feet. Hold the pose for 20 to 30 seconds and then release your body to the floor. Repeat for a total of three repetitions.
  4. Challenge your stomach muscles with the single-leg balancing pose Warrior 3. Stand tall with your feet parallel and facing forward. Engage your abdominal muscles as you lift your arms out to the sides to shoulder height. Bend forward at your hips until your torso is parallel to the floor; simultaneously lift your right leg off of the ground and extend it straight behind you. Balance on your left leg as you use your core to help keep you stable. Hold for five breaths. Repeat on the other side.
  5. Perform Cobra pose to stretch your abdominal muscles after your workout. Lie prone on an exercise or yoga mat with the tops of your feet on the floor and your hands placed under your shoulders. Tuck your elbows in toward your torso. Push through your hands to straighten your arms as you lift your head, shoulders and upper chest off of the floor. Hold the stretch for 15 to 30 seconds and then slowly lower your torso back to the floor.

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