1. Your Head Can Tell You That You're Hungry (When Really You're Not).
The first of these diet tips for women relates to research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Here women who were involved in the research stated they were not hungry when looking at, smelling or tasting desserts like chocolate cake or cinnamon rolls. But their brains registered the desire to eat them. Men, in contrast, did not have this issue. Women should also recognize that premenstrual syndrome (PMS) can lead to cravings for sweet foods. If you do have cravings, try and plan for them. For instance, dark chocolate helps to manage your chocolate cravings as it is very rich and you only need small amounts to get that chocolate satisfaction.
2. After Exercise Hunger.
Another problem women have to deal with that men do not is a large increase in a hormone that tells you that you're hungry right after a workout. Therefore, that urge you get to start eating snacks right after you have done some exercise is not in your imagination. Research reveals that this might be due to evolution. Women are designed to make sure they remain fertile, and one of the ways your body tries to do this is by making sure that you don't run out of calories to burn. Some elite female athletes have injections to stop their monthly menstrual cycle to help curb that desire to eat after an intense training regime. This, of course is not a recommended solution. Some of the best diet snacks can be made by cleaning, cutting up and storing fruits and vegetables, so they can be grabbed quickly after your workout. That way you are not tempted to open that bag of potato chips or packet of cookies.
3. Building Muscles Doesn't Mean Being Bulky.
In the same way that women are designed to protect their reproductive systems, men are designed to have less body fat and more muscle, partly due to their primary hormone, testosterone. Strength or resistance training to build muscles is often ignored when looking at tips for weight loss for women. Women worry that if they try to build muscles they will end up looking like a bulky male body builder. But big muscles are built with the help of testosterone, a hormone that is predominate in men and very much lower in women. Even women who do an intense weight training regime everyday can't build the bulky muscles to match male bodybuilders.Regular resistance training on your upper body, lower body and core will add lean mass to your physique and you'll burn more calories on a daily basis.
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