It can be rather difficult to plan out what you are going to eat for an entire month or even in smaller increments of a week at a time especially when starting out. The same can be said of the workout routine you plan on sticking with long term.
The problem is, often people approach the weight loss process as if it is a runner's sprint when in actuality it is much more similar to a marathon. When you think of losing weight with this mindset, you realize the fact that you are not supposed to give 100% effort for the first week or month and then go back to unhealthy habits.
Tackle The Process One Meal at a Time, One Workout at a Time
In other words, what long-term benefit will you gain if you only eat healthy and exercise for a month, then go back to what caused you to gain weight in the first place?
Also try not to dwell on the end goal for that may cause you to become frustrated. This is similar to a marathon runner, when they begin their journey they are not thinking of mile 26 at that moment but simply focusing on mile number one.
Therefore for the time being, just focus on one meal at a time and one workout at a time.
When you focus on making choices that will be appropriate to eat for tomorrow, you ensure that day is nutritionally appropriate. Once that day ends successfully, you can proceed to focus on the next day, and the cycle continues.
The same for your workout routine. When you've decided on which activities, exercises, or sports you want to do regularly, just focus on getting off that couch or out of the house and completing what you've promised yourself.
As difficult as your first couple weeks will be in regards to motivating yourself to get moving, know that with continued diligence, your entire mind and body will soon change and come to truly relish the exercise.
But don't concern yourself with what's three months, or a year down the road and instead just focus on your next workout.
Approaching the weight loss process one meal at a time and one workout at a time will really get you focusing on the present hopefully inspiring you to make healthy choices.
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